Movie room decor ideas

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Hello Gorgeous,

Let’s set up an entertainment room or movie room because the best part after a long day is to relax and enjoy entertaining. Study shows that

Overall, the way a space is designed can have a significant impact on the people who use it. Creating an environment that is comfortable, calming, and conducive to positive interactions can help to improve mental health and well-being.

So, let’s make your space as comfortable as possible for your body and soul!

1 - Table lamp

2 - Candy and Nuts dispenser

3 - Can style tumbler

4 - Coasters

5 - Wall Shelf

6 - Candy dispenser

7 - Popcorn machine

8 - Handbag Candle

9 - Popcorn bowls

10 - Movie poster

11 - Movie poster/Photo Frames

What would be your favorite addition to your entertainment space?

xo Christine


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